I’m one email away! Contact me at Larissa@workkit.co


Hi, I'm Larissa!

Hi! I'm Larissa


Aruban Media Personality, PR pro, Communication Specialist, Entrepreneur, Event Host, and Social Media Influ- I mean, Inspirer!  Yes, I’m known for wearing many hats when it comes to my business. Leave it to my parents to confirm that from a very young age, I was an energetic chatterbox, always drawn to people and asking lots of questions. I never shied away from conversations, singing, dancing, or putting on entire performances in the living room for whoever was visiting100% social butterfly. It’s safe to say that we all knew early on that I wouldn’t fit into a conventional career box.

I started focusing on finding a career that would cater to my social spirit while in high school. Once graduated, this born-and-raised Aruban girl with nothing more than curiosity, a desire for genuine connection, a laptop and extremely supportive parents, moved to Costa Rica at the age of 18. My pursuit for a career in Journalism, Public Relations and Marketing Communications also helped me to embrace my own unique set of gifts that later on, turned out to be the special sauce to my recipe for success and happy clients.

I wanted to learn for a living, meet all sorts of interesting people and understand the messy nature of what makes us real. I wanted to know what makes us relate to each other, and convey these discoveries into interesting stories in a way that would engage any reader, viewer or listener.

My work involves helping clients tell authentic and relevant stories across various platforms while gaining the audience’s trust by providing information and content that is accurate, valuable and why noteven entertaining! I have an eagerness to explore, ask questions, and verify facts. A thirst for picking people’s brains and connecting the dots on our likes, and dislikes. My focus has always been not only on the things that unite us rather than set us apart, but also on what makes us genuinely happy at the end of the day. 

Yes, I’m running my business from this website, and I’m so proud and grateful to earn a living doing what I love while keeping it real and honest as I go. I promise to bring the very best of what I’m living and learning, equal parts professional and playful. I’m very passionate, always ‘all in’ with my personality, sense of humor and most importantly, my heart. 

If in any way you’ve been a part of my journey up until now, thank you for your support. I hope this is just the beginning of our online relationship. Hopi danki for taking the time to visit. I’m excited you’re here and look forward to us connecting some more in the journey ahead.

Big hugs, un brasa grandi,


#thelarissastory #thelarissastory

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Client Love

Lately with Larissa

6 tips esencial pa tur Mama segun Parenting Coach, Laura Tromp.

Sea bo ta un first-time mommy, un mama soltera/experiencia/moderno, e no ta importa con bo ta defini bo mes como mama. Entre varios expresion y comentarionan relaciona cu maternidad lo cual semper ta resalta ta cu esaki no ta un trayecto facil pero si uno cu ta bale la pena. Si abo ta buscando pa trece mas balans den bo bida como mama e tipnan di e blog post aki sigur lo por yuda bo.

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It's a giveaway with great prizes and gifts

Ki miho manera pa bisa DANKI cu un Website Giveaway!

Temporada di fin di aña ta pa celebra y ta agradecido pa tur loke e aña a trece. Mescos cu ami tur ora ta wordo consenti pa mi cliente nan, ta dushi pa consenti tambe esunnan cu semper ta comparti nan apoyo incondicional y ‘join’ mi locura nan online. Durante e dianan di fiesta tras di lomba, mi a probecha y ‘brainstorm’ cua ta e miho manera pa bisa boso DANKI y habri 2023 cu un nice surprise. Si bo a yega na e blog post aki, esey kiermen cu bo ta un stap mas serca di mi prome website giveaway!

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